Looking to get involved at Oak Grove Baptist Church? Then you're in the right place.
First, attend a Radius Class. Radius is our membership information class. They happen 4 times a year on a Sunday after our service. We will feed you lunch, provide childcare, and spend about 90 minutes telling you who we are.
Attending the class does not make you a member of Oak Grove, but if you want to be a member, you do have to attend the class.
Second, tell us your story of faith. In other words, how and when did you meet Jesus? We consider salvation to be essential to church membership. So, you need to tell us about how God saved you.
You can do this by either writing it down and giving it to a member of our Leadership Team, or by meeting with a member of our Leadership Team and telling them about your salvation.
And third, join this family of faith by either affirming your baptism or by being baptized. We believe that in order for a baptism to be biblical, it must have two parts.
Part 1: Baptism is after salvation. Baptism is a picture of you being united with Jesus. So, if you got baptized before you put faith in Jesus, the picture was just backwards, and we can fix it.
Part 2: Baptism means to be put under water. Baptism becomes a more accurate picture of how Jesus saves us when we go under water because Jesus was all the way dead and then He came all the way back to life. That is the picture of baptism. We are united with Jesus as He died for us (going under the water), and we are united with Jesus as He was raised from the dead (coming up out of the water).
Oak Grove offers two ways to study and grow outside of Sunday morning worship services. The first is Life Groups and the second way we gather together and grow is through Bible Studies on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. On Sunday mornings we have various groups of people that represent all ages and all stages of life studying specific books. On Wednesday nights, we offer dinner starting at 5:30pm, then we often have different groups studying different topics starting at 6pm.